Depuis trente ans, la Maison des Écrivains Étrangers et des Traducteurs de Saint-Nazaire accueille en résidence des écrivains étrangers et des traducteurs du monde entier. Elle leur alloue une bourse et met à leur disposition un grand appartement au dixième étage du Building, au-dessus du port et des Chantiers navals.
Elle organise chaque année des rencontres littéraires internationales "meeting" et remet trois prix littéraires : le Prix Laure-Bataillon de la meilleure œuvre de fiction traduite en français dans l’année, le Prix Laure-Bataillon classique et le Prix de la Jeune Littérature latino-américaine.
Chaque année, elle publie la revue littéraire internationale meet et plusieurs livres bilingues.
The "Meet" welcomes one writer or translator at a time for four to eight weeks. The resident is allocated a weekly grant and accommodated in a large two-bedroom flat in the "Building", an emblematic high-rise overlooking the docks and the shipyards of Saint Nazaire Harbour, on the Loire River estuary.
At the end of his/her stay, the resident is given the opportunity to have one of his works and its French translation published in the Meet's collection "Les Bilingues".
The writers and translators who wish to apply must send a biographical as well as a bibliographical note. Every application is considered by The Meet's literary council, a body of writers, translators and critics.
Saint Nazaire is a middle-size town located in the south of Brittany, on the Loire River estuary. It's only two and a half hours away from Paris by high-speed train. The nearest airport is Nantes Atlantique.
Literary prizes
The Meet organizes regular meetings with writers and translators and awards three literary prizes.
The prix Laure-Bataillon rewards both the writer of a fictional work and his or her translator
The prix Laure-Bataillon classique rewards the translator of a classical work.
The prix de la jeune litérature latino-américaine - is awarded every other year, each time in a different South American country. It aims at honouring and publishing a young Latino writer selected by a jury of writers in his own country.
Every year the Meet asks about twenty writers from different countries to contribute a few pages on a literary topic. Their texts are then translated into French and published in a bilingual edition.
SELECTION A LIRE... Gabriela Trujillo Florence Aubenas Rencontre avec des écrivains autrichiens Yves Roullière Fernando Guimaraes Gerald Martin Extraits revue meet n°14 Oliver Rohe (France) Mamuka Lekiachvili Hadrien Laroche Robert Bober Concours ligérien du jeune traducteur d’espagnol 2017/2018 Jorge Edwards Extrait Jesús VARGAS GARITA Michel Riaudel Wang Anyi Florence Delay José MUNOS MILLANES Chine Jean-Durosier Desrivières Extrait Asli ERDOGAN Dumitru TSEPENEAG Martin Rueff Jens Birkemose Paulo Teixeira Australie Minh Tran Huy Finlande Mustapha Kebir Ammi Nikuni Seiichi Kote Djandieri Traduire la vie Gojko Lukić Timour Muhidine Jerome Charyn Les poètes européens et leurs traducteurs Yachar Kemal Olivier Cadiot Carmine Abate Jérôme Ferrari Equateur Extrait De l’autre côté du vin Extrait WANG Yin Séra Extrait Michael DONHAUSER Alexis DJAKELI 1990 / Juan Carlos MONDRAGON Rick Bass Mario Bellatin Ernesto Carriøn Margo Glantz 1988 / Andres UNGER Extrait de La mémoire juste meet n°14 Bruxelles / Moscou Julia Deck Bernard BOESCHENSTEIN Comment ça commence Natalia Toledo Florence Olivier Alberto MANGUEL Jean-Marie Laclavetine Antoine Chalvin Kote DJANDIERI Amira Ghenim (Tunisie) Harry Mathews Fernando GUIMARAES Jean-Noël Pancrazi Ricardo Prieto Walter Grond 1991 / Thomas GRATT